Human connection more important than ever...

If there is one thing I have learned from this dreaded global pandemic it is that I crave genuine human connection. And when I am kept from authentic face to face connection I flounder. When we all thought this would be two weeks of “flattening the curve” it seemed fun to cocoon with the family and ride it out. But goodness… over a year later it is exhausting.

Of course I love my family and all, but talking and just being with good friends also feeds my soul. I realize that when I have scrapbooking weekends with my friends I love being creative and using a different part of my brain than I use day to day. However, the pandemic has also made me realize that what I love most and crave most is long conversations, authentic dialogue, laughter and finding meaningful connections (and not looking at my phone for hours at a time!).

The Barn Owl Retreat is secluded in nature and the quiet lulls me into a deeper sleep than I experience anywhere else. I can count on the fresh air to remind me of all my blessings. And it is that “separation” from the day to day that helps me and my fellow crafters genuinely connect. This year when I retreat with my friends I will be extra grateful for the connection after all the isolation we have all endured.

I encourage you to reach out to your friends. Book some time at the Barn and reconnect with your friends. Nourish your soul. Distance yourself from isolation and bond again.

A sunset walk on the property

A sunset walk on the property